Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2 Months

Dear Cole,

At your 2 month checkup on Friday, May 28, you weighed 13 pounds, 5 ounces (and 23 inches long)...that's almost a pound more than your brother did at this stage...he only weighed 12.7, even after outweighing you at birth by 6 ounces. You are a rolly-polly baby who is so sweet to snuggle with and fun to love. You make being a mom even sweeter than I thought possible. Having you has made our family feel complete - one baby for each parent with both you and your brother fighting for my lap.

Carter loves to hug and kiss you, hold you, and occasionally feed you his bottle. Anything he's eating, he wants to share with you, but I tell him you're too little and he just makes smacking sounds to pretend you are eating it. He wakes up every morning wanting to kiss you and goes to bed every night after telling you night-night and he loves you.

You just recently started smiling - just before you hit 7 weeks - and the smiles were hard to come by at first. At 9 weeks, though, you will burst into spontaneous smile when I'm holding you and talking to you or just smiling down at your handsome face. You like when Mama pedals your legs like a bicycle or does the Itsy-Bitsy Spider up your belly. When Big Daddy whistles or sings nonsense words to you, you get the sweetest toothless grin.

Favorite things include being held or laying on your activity mat batting at a hanging toy. You do tummy time and can hold your neck up really well, though after a few minutes, you get tired, give up, and just lay down. Your schedule is very consistent (6:30 am, 9:30, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. 2:30), and we finally have you down to one middle of the night feeding. You sleep in your pack-n-play by mama's side of the bed and don't make a peep until it's time to get up and eat. Luckily, you usually fall back asleep pretty quickly on your own.

You snore when you are napping and have the cutest little snort for no reason at all. Your eyes are big and blue and take in everything around you. Baths have become relaxing things...you don't cry anymore and don't even mind getting dried off. Size 1 diapers are almost too small, and yet, it was just 9 short weeks ago when newborn diapers swallowed you.

I love you more each and every day. I love to hold you, sing to you, snuggle, and stare at you. I just cannot believe my baby is this big and that soon you will be doing all the things your big brother does. How did I ever get so lucky?


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