Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning, we rushed and let Carter see what Santa brought to our house, then hurried to mom's for 9:00 breakfast and gift opening. Dad always makes a ton of food, and this year was no exception - we had bacon, biscuits, eggs, donuts, and cinnamon rolls...yummy!

The kids got WAY TOO MUCH stuff! They each have their own bag that says "Dear Santa, I've been naughty" that mom fills with their toys so they can just dig in and don't have to fool with wrapping paper. They each got a sit and spin, toss across game, power wheels 4 wheeler, Dora and Diego dolls, outfits, flashlights, cars, SpongeBob dolls, a singing puppy, and more that I can't even remember.

Katlin in her tutu from Jeanne

Mr. Powdered Donut face

Derrick went in for a big kiss!

Carter standing on his Alabama table from Jeanne

Climbing up...he loves this little table

Light saber - a big hit!

Katlin & Big Daddy (snuggling with Diego)

It's called a SIT and spin, son, not a STAND and spin!

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