Tuesday, June 2, 2009

9 Months Today

Dear Carter,
From the moment we met you, our lives changed. We waited so long to hear you little cry, to see your sweet face, and to hold you in our arms...and we could never have imagined how much we could love you.
Today, you are 9 months old. In a way, you are still our baby, but you are also very much a big boy. You can sit up, stand supported, roll, and say a few words....mostly DaDa and GiGi, though you've said Bye-Bye and Mama a couple of times.
Thank you for the big smile you give us each time we walk in the room. Thank you for the squeals of joy when we tickle you. Thank you for your patience with us figuring out each new stage, but mostly, thank you for blessing us with the greatest gift either of us has ever received...you.
We love you Carter!
Mommy & Daddy

A recap of pictures - the beginning until now...
Less than 5 minutes old
2 weeks old - going to the doctor
2 months old - getting some hair
3 months old - first smiles
4 months old - baby dedication at church
5 months old - sitting up like a big boy

6 months old - Mommy's birthday & your half birthday

7 months old - Easter

8 months old - first trip to the beach
We can't wait for all the fun times ahead!

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