Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend Pictures

On Friday afternoon, Derrick was going to get the mail and I snapped a couple of pictures of him and Carter. These (though taken from behind where you can't see their faces) just melt my heart. Look at how big my baby is these days! We are working to help him gain more independence, especially before the new baby comes and it's more difficult for me to hold him / do everything for him. I'm trying to remember to have him walk as much as possible, letting him eat with big boy utensils, and we're even starting to expose him to the big boy potty. The things he is able to do never ceases to amaze me....he was helping me throw away trash, pick up toys, and taking items back and forth to Derrick and I all weekend.

Going to get the mail

Surveying the neighborhood

A quick snapshot on the steps

My big stuff wanted to take a real shower with Daddy!

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