Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gulf Shores - Part 2

Here are some of the beach pictures from our trip. Carter and Katlin both loved the sand and the ocean, but Carter was a little more adventurous and tried to eat and drink them!

Getting ready for the sunscreen application

Carter & Daddy on the balcony

Katlin is ready for sunscreen

Two sweet babies...one into something, as always!

Look mom, it's sand!

Should I eat this?

Ooh...wet sand, yummy!

He loved sitting at the edge of the ocean

Look at me splashing, mom!

Katlin going for a walk

Getting buried by Daddy - he was having fun at this point

Now, get me out of here!

Buried in the dry sand by dad - he didn't like this at all

Trying to figure out a way out

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